




“Te ahorita” Salon Rosetta, Mexico City.


Té Ahorita is both a tea party and design showcase. It’s the latest incarnation of a project that began at Bettina Kiehnle’s Mexico City–based gallery Studio IMA and guest-curated by writer and curator Su Wu, exploring the longstanding ceremony and ritual of afternoon tea — how it can be both profound and over-the-top at once.

Building on that, Wu, Kiehnle, and chef Elena Reygadas have brought it to Salon Rosetta, a lounge above Reygadas’ restaurant Rosetta, in the city’s Roma district. Over a hundred new pieces were commissioned from Mexico-based artists and designers, including Chebos, Daniel Uranga for Casa Ahorita, Disciplina Studio, la ma r, Maxine Álvarez for Maremoto, Naoya Sakaguchi and Mono Rojo, Nullo Ceramics, Patricio Campillo, Perla Valtierra, Sofia Elias, and Tuberosa MX. At teatime, these works mingle with heirloom tableware Reygadas has collected or inherited from her mother and grandmother. Afternoon tea will be offered daily from 2 pm to 6 pm through November 11.